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Mantelgesellschaften und Mantelhandel nach neuem Recht oder «the road to hell is paved with good intentions»
[Shell Companies and Shell Company Trading Under the New Law or "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"]

pdf 140 KB

Pflichten des Verwaltungsrats in finanziellen Krisenlagen nach neuem Aktienrecht
[Duties of the Board of Directors in Financial Crisis Situations under the New Corporation Law]

by Markus Vischer
in: iusNet Gesellschaftsrecht, 25 January 2023

Arbitration and Insolvency in Switzerland

by Stéphanie Oneyser
in: "Arbitragem, Mediação, Falência e Recuperaçao: Resolução de Disputas na Empresa em Crise"
Sao Paulo/Brazil, 2022